From our AC News Blog:


Brush Fire at the Borehole Spring

Brush Fire at the Borehole Spring

By Scott H. Williams At approximately 7:50pm on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Southern Inyo Fire Protection District (SIFPD) received an emergency tone from dispatch followed by a report of a brush fire at the Borehole hot spring in Tecopa, California. SIFPD responded...

A Slow Walk On A Long River

A Slow Walk On A Long River

by Josh Jackson If I were to tell you I was going to visit a “wild and scenic river,” what kind of images would that conjure up for you? Perhaps a raging rapids of white water careening through large boulders?  Or how about a meandering tributary with deep pools and a...

2020 Amargosa State of the Basin Report

2020 Amargosa State of the Basin Report

This 2020 State of the Basin Report (SOBR) was prepared by Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. (Partner) on behalf of the Amargosa Conservancy (AC) as part of a much larger effort that is being conducted between AC, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), U.S. Bureau of Land...

Stewardship on the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Hydrologic Monitoring

Stewardship on the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Hydrologic Monitoring

In coming weeks, we expect the Bureau of Land Management to finalize the Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan (DRECP), in which the public lands of the Amargosa Basin are likely to be designated at California Desert Conservation Lands. To celebrate, we are highlighting the decade-long partnership between the Amargosa Conservancy and the BLM to engage in stewardship on these lands

Stewardship on the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Tamarisk Removal

Stewardship on the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Tamarisk Removal

In coming weeks, we expect the Bureau of Land Management to finalize the Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan (DRECP), in which the public lands of the Amargosa Basin are likely to be designated at California Desert Conservation Lands. To celebrate, we are highlighting the decade-long partnership between the Amargosa Conservancy and the BLM to engage in stewardship on these lands

Motor Vehicle Musings

Motor Vehicle Musings

The Conservancy has been strategizing with the BLM to restore the damaged areas off-route and provide post and cable barriers to prevent future incursions, as well as place interpretative signs and maps so recreators know where they are and how they can play a part in making sure the next generation has access to the same opportunities we have now.

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