From our AC News Blog:


The Amargosa as Borderlands

The Amargosa as Borderlands

By Scott H. Williams I am a Californian. In a lot of places that is a dirty word, not least of all in Nevada. I reside in Tecopa, California now, but I’ve lived in Los Angeles and grew up in rural Northern California. Through my work in the Amargosa region and time...

“What is a mineral withdrawal?” Frequently Asked Questions

“What is a mineral withdrawal?” Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure what a mineral withdrawal is, or why one is needed for lands surrounding Ash Meadows? This FAQ is for YOU! Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Mineral Withdrawal under the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) “What is a mineral withdrawal?” Under mining law,...

Action Alert: Save Ash Meadows

Action Alert: Save Ash Meadows

JOIN THE FIGHT TO SAVE ASH MEADOWS! Letter will be sent as follows: Dear Secretary Haaland and Director Stone-Manning, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, one of the most critical and vibrant biodiversity hotspots in the United States, is under threat. Ash Meadows...

Executive Director’s Report: Here come the storms

Executive Director’s Report: Here come the storms

Storms are blowing into the Amargosa Basin. Some are bringing water to the land, and others are seeking to take it away. A hurricane in the desert After one of the wettest winters in recent memory in parts of California, all hands were on deck bracing for Hurricane...

SAVE ASH MEADOWS while rockin’ a sweet shirt!

SAVE ASH MEADOWS while rockin’ a sweet shirt!

Do you love Ash Meadows? Do you wear shirts? Do you want to help us save Ash Meadows from exploratory mining on its doorsteps? We have just the thing! Support the Amargosa Conservancy's campaign to save Ash Meadows from exploratory drilling by purchasing one of our...

Letter to Leadership: SAVE ASH MEADOWS

Letter to Leadership: SAVE ASH MEADOWS

On Thursday, July 6th, 2023, the Amargosa Conservancy submitted the following letter signed by 20 local, regional, and national environmental organizations to senior leadership within the Department of Interior:   Request for Consultation, Public Scoping and...

Save Ash Meadows Petition

Save Ash Meadows Petition

Follow this link to sign our petition to save Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge from exploratory lithium mining:

A Slow Walk On A Long River

A Slow Walk On A Long River

by Josh Jackson If I were to tell you I was going to visit a “wild and scenic river,” what kind of images would that conjure up for you? Perhaps a raging rapids of white water careening through large boulders?  Or how about a meandering tributary with deep pools and a...

Executive Director’s Reflection: The Road Ahead

Executive Director’s Reflection: The Road Ahead

Amargosa Conservancy Board of Directors, 2023 Effective conservation work takes vision. And vision takes people. Last weekend, January 21-22nd, the Amargosa Conservancy board of directors and staff met in Shoshone, CA for two days of intensive visioning and action...

Executive Director’s Reflection: Snowflakes and Springs

Executive Director’s Reflection: Snowflakes and Springs

Saratoga Springs, Death Valley National Park: photo by Naomi Fraga by Mason Voehl, executive director Standing in the driveway of my home in Las Vegas, I watch cold clouds drag their snow-laden bellies across the high peaks of the Spring Mountains for the first time...

Mountain snowpack: A lifeline to the Amargosa

Mountain snowpack: A lifeline to the Amargosa

By AC Member Laura Dye A considerable body of scientific work highlights how climate change alters our landscapes. And while it is important to note the changes within the bounds of the Amargosa River Basin itself – warming temperatures, shifts in vegetation...

2020 Amargosa State of the Basin Report

2020 Amargosa State of the Basin Report

This 2020 State of the Basin Report (SOBR) was prepared by Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. (Partner) on behalf of the Amargosa Conservancy (AC) as part of a much larger effort that is being conducted between AC, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), U.S. Bureau of Land...

The Land and Water Conservation Fund

One of the most important public parks programs — the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) — is getting closer to its expiration date on September 30. Join us in demanding a vote on legislation to permanently reauthorize LWCF before the September expiration deadline.

Notice: Defend the DRECP!

The DRECP is a land use plan designed to allow renewable energy development on least conflict public lands, and balance that with conservation and recreation on public land – uses that are critically important to Desert communities and their economies.  

Afton Canyon Conservation Campout

Staff from the Amargosa Conservancy, BLM, Sierra Club, and Leave No Trace completed final preparations for the arrival of the campers. Joining us in this camp were the Junior Rangers, conservationists in training from Barstow, ranging from ages 8-13 and Two family groups representing the Council of Mexican Federations (COFEM)

Stewardship On the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Saving the Amargosa Vole

Stewardship On the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Saving the Amargosa Vole

In coming weeks, we expect the Bureau of Land Management to finalize the Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan (DRECP), in which the public lands of the Amargosa Basin are likely to be designated at California Desert Conservation Lands. To celebrate, we are highlighting the decade-long partnership between the Amargosa Conservancy and the BLM to engage in stewardship on these lands

Stewardship on the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Hydrologic Monitoring

Stewardship on the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Hydrologic Monitoring

In coming weeks, we expect the Bureau of Land Management to finalize the Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan (DRECP), in which the public lands of the Amargosa Basin are likely to be designated at California Desert Conservation Lands. To celebrate, we are highlighting the decade-long partnership between the Amargosa Conservancy and the BLM to engage in stewardship on these lands

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