AC Blog
Work crew in the Amargosa Basin
AC Volunteers Assist with Screwbean Mesquite Planting Project
Written by Christiana Manville, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service On Saturday January 8, 2022, partners and volunteers came together to plant 63 mesquite trees on The Nature Conservancy’s Beatty Narrows property just south of Beatty. We planted 56 screwbean mesquite...
Partners and Volunteers Band Together to Improve Signage at China Ranch Trailhead
AC Board Member John Hiatt wipes freshly poured concrete off of the posts of the new trailhead sign at China Ranch. On January 15th, AC volunteers and Brian Brown from China Ranch Date Farm joined together to install a brand new trailhead sign at the China Ranch...
Introducing: An Amargosa Moment
Join Mason Voehl, our new Executive Director for this exciting new series on our AC blog all the moments and encounters in the Amargosa that leave lasting impressions on us.
California Botanist Named 2021 E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Award Recipient
AC Director Naomi Fraga Wins Award for Outstanding Science to Save Native Plants
History and Change on the Old Spanish Trail
For several decades after 1829, Los Angeles and Santa Fe were linked by a 700-mile trade route known as the Old Spanish Trail. Mule trains crossed the Amargosa region, between Las Vegas and the Mojave River, via a series of springs a day’s travel apart. A 22-minute...
Amargosa in the News: Wildlife Preservation from Extinction
This week the Los Angeles Times published a beautiful, moving and elegantly illustrated article by Louis Sahagún, covering projects across California with the noble goals of rescuing a variety of biological species from extinction and revitalizing plants and wildlife...
Bill Christian, A Remembrance
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Bill Christian, co-founder of the Amargosa Conservancy and beloved leader in Amargosa Basin conservation.
Meet the Amargosa 2019
PDF version of Meet the Amargosa.
Photo Series: Amargosa Seasons – winter
Winter in Amargosa is a season of drama.
Film: Keepers of Bitter Waters
Keepers of the Bitter Waters: A film by Fred Bell.
Meet the Amargosa 2018
PDF version of Meet the Amargosa.
The Land and Water Conservation Fund
One of the most important public parks programs — the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) — is getting closer to its expiration date on September 30. Join us in demanding a vote on legislation to permanently reauthorize LWCF before the September expiration deadline.
Pining about large scale solar: Why the Yellow Pine Project will leave us with broken hearts
Just over the mountains from Tecopa, in the Lower Pahrump Valley, there is a plan to install a 3000 acre solar array in otherwise untouched, old growth desert – an area featuring desert tortoise and Joshua Trees.
Alerta: defiende el DRECP
La Administración de Trump ha establecido el DRECP como su último objetivo: socavando el proceso público, ocho años de colaboración y compromiso, y amenazando nuestras tierras públicas. El DRECP - Plan de Conservación y Energía Renovable del Desierto - está destinado...
Notice: Defend the DRECP!
The DRECP is a land use plan designed to allow renewable energy development on least conflict public lands, and balance that with conservation and recreation on public land – uses that are critically important to Desert communities and their economies.
Action Alert: Defend the DRECP!
The Trump Administration has set the DRECP (Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan) as its latest target – undermining the public process, eight years of collaboration and compromise, and threatening our public lands.
Vole party + leaving Shoshone
Experiences as an intern: babysitting a colony of voles and leaving Shoshone
This past season as a natural resource steward in Shoshone, California
While the work we did here specifically fits the needs of these landscapes, the sustainable practices we implored and the skills we learned can be carried on with us to our future endeavors, able to be adapted to varying landscape types.
Back on the Tracks
After a few hectic weeks, the Amargosa Conservancy interns are getting back to their normal routine.
The Great Old Broads Visit for a “Broadwork”
The Great Old Broads for Wilderness is a national organization that engages and inspires activism to preserve and protect wilderness and wild lands. Their mission statement says that they bring knowledge, commitment, and humor to the movement to protect our last wild places on earth, and boy- they did not disappoint.
Afton Canyon Conservation Campout
Staff from the Amargosa Conservancy, BLM, Sierra Club, and Leave No Trace completed final preparations for the arrival of the campers. Joining us in this camp were the Junior Rangers, conservationists in training from Barstow, ranging from ages 8-13 and Two family groups representing the Council of Mexican Federations (COFEM)
Vertical Mulching: A story of “Planting Dead Branches” to Restore Desert Habitat
Decompressing the soil, collecting dead parts of live bushes, putting them in a hole, filling the hole with rocks and soil and texturing the surrounding soil to naturalize an area in desperate need of rehab – steps to successful vertical mulching.
Spring Updates – Wildflowers of 2017
As they days lengthen in the Amargosa Basin, some spring flowers are starting their show.
While it’s not the great super-bloom of last year, for those willing to go explore there are plenty of treasures to find out there!
Describing the Kingston – Amargosa Region
an excerpt from the DRECP Record of Decision – Appendix A – regarding the Amargosa
Out and About in Afton Canyon
In partnership with the Hispanic Access Foundation, the Amargosa Conservancy has been leading trips to Afton Canyon to provide information and access to the beautiful lands that belong to all citizens of United States.
Breaking News: 600,000+ Acres of Amargosa Basin Public Lands Protected
On September 14th, Secretary Jewell announced the permanent protection of over 600,000 acres of land in the Amargosa River watershed. These protections will mean that in sum, nearly every acre of the Amargosa River basin is under conservation.
Stewardship On the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Saving the Amargosa Vole
In coming weeks, we expect the Bureau of Land Management to finalize the Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan (DRECP), in which the public lands of the Amargosa Basin are likely to be designated at California Desert Conservation Lands. To celebrate, we are highlighting the decade-long partnership between the Amargosa Conservancy and the BLM to engage in stewardship on these lands
Stewardship on the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: Hydrologic Monitoring
In coming weeks, we expect the Bureau of Land Management to finalize the Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan (DRECP), in which the public lands of the Amargosa Basin are likely to be designated at California Desert Conservation Lands. To celebrate, we are highlighting the decade-long partnership between the Amargosa Conservancy and the BLM to engage in stewardship on these lands
Stewardship on the Desert Conservation Lands Retrospective: The Amargosa River Trail
In coming weeks, we expect the Bureau of Land Management to finalize the Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan (DRECP), in which the public lands of the Amargosa Basin are likely to be designated at California Desert Conservation Lands. To celebrate, we are highlighting the decade-long partnership between the Amargosa Conservancy and the BLM to engage in stewardship on these lands
Inyo Register Op-Ed: Opportunities for Conservation in Southern Inyo County
Editorial by Amargosa Conservancy Policy Director Patrick Donnelly that ran in the Inyo Register.